Monday, April 25, 2011

Derby Decision making-things to remember in zee pack

Hi to all you super smart derby players, this entry is not for you

This is for the skater who sometimes but not all times gets outta sorts within the pack especially when her team is try to execute a strategy like this girl - big finger pointing at me

This game is not easy especially as a blocker in the pack, we are suppose to take giant hits, stop jammers, execute plays, figure out speed and time of pack and not to mention approaching jammers, whhaaaaa it will make you crazy.

I'm the kinda skater who hits 1st and asks questions later, this is not always good. I am having to re-train myself on situations and senarios. Yes it means you have to be pretty aware but you should be anyways, your playing derby not speedskating.
My teammates laugh at me because I am attempting to "idiot-proof" the game of derby for myself not because I'm normally an idiot outside of the track but sometimes on the floor I get a brain cramp.
Sooo back to basics
 What do you need?TIME You need to buy yourself a little time like 3 secs to sort some stuff out
  How do you do this? Run to the front inside line-this works because if the opposing jammer is close on your heels she is going to try and run along the inside line, and you are there to stop her

What you need to figure out in order of priority
Where is the opposing jammer?Obvious
Is this her 1st pass?If it is her 1st pass, this is your chance to wall,stall and/or hit. If it is her 2nd pass, DONT LOSE YOUR POINT! rush to the front and herd your teammates to do the same and don't let her take your points!!!ITS YOURS!
Where is my closest teammate and the remainder of my team?You need her to help you wall up, one blocker is fairly easy for a jammer to fly by, but two blockers!! you already out number her. If they are not close, chances are they have trapped someone and need you to drop back with them to gain majority and control of the pack.
Where is my jammer? Does she need your help?Can you help her without giving up your point or the inside line to the opposing jammer? If you can, DO IT, start beating down her obstacles by any means necessary. Chances are you are probably in the front of the opposing blockers, a "can opener hit" or a massive "death plough" should do the trick. the opposing blockers wont even see you coming because they are focused behind them on beating the snot out of your jammer. 
How fast is this pack going and why? If the other jammer is approaching, you know why you and your teammates are speeding the pack up, if your jammer is approaching, slow down, don't make her work even hard. Make sure you slow an opposing blocker down with you by any means necessary, hitting, death plough, the usual.

i know its still alot but the more you play the better you get! bottom line

I hope this helps any additions, tips or wanna chat derby or SkateCourt please email me
*Once again, I am not a superstar derby player YET but I am working really hard these are tips I have figured out along the way
Hugs Slugs and Derby Luv
Randi Maehym     


  1. I don't laugh Maehym, I applaud! Your new methods to get self-awareness within the pack are working so well, I am stealing some of your hints. Much Dervy Love, Your Teammate,
    Dame Right

  2. You of all people know how much I've had to "reel it in", everytime I play I feel like Im getting better about situational and space awareness. Hope to see you tonight but know you have alot to do before your trip
